About Our Services

We organize interpretation services for conferences, seminars and other events by selecting the most qualified interpreter(s) based on subject matter, characteristics of the specific conference or event, interpreter’s qualifications, client’s requirements, etc.

Languages that are offered by ERITS are the languages taught at Ewha GSTI: English, Japanese, Chinese and French. If necessary, we also provide interpreters who are based in other countries. For languages that are not offered by ERITS, we make recommendations and connect you with professional interpreters who have the requested language combination. We also hire foreign interpreters from abroad when necessary.

Interpretation Services

Simultaneous and Consecutive Interpretation
  • Interpreting services at international conferences, seminars, press conferences, business plan presentations, and business meetings/consultations.
  • Escort interpretation provided by interpreters accompanying dignitaries/speakers to various functions.
  • Interpreting at focus group interviews and symposiums.
  • Interpretation services provided in Korea and overseas.
Short to Long-term Projects (Contract workers)
  • Business consulting projects or system implementation projects.
    (Corporate due diligence, six sigma, BPR, ERP, application development related projects, etc.)

Modes of Interpretation

Simultaneous Interpretation
  • Two interpreters form a team and provide simultaneous interpretation of the speaker’s presentation in an environment where interpretation equipment is provided. Highly technical conferences may require three interpreters for one team.
Consecutive Interpretation
  • In principle, consecutive interpretation requires one interpreter who delivers the interpretation after the original speech. The speaker and interpreter alternate in delivering the presentation: the speaker gives a portion of the presentation and then the interpreter delivers the interpretation. Highly specialized presentations may require two interpreters.
Whispering Interpretation
  • Interpretation in the whispering mode is intended for an audience of one to two persons who are seated next to the interpreter. The interpreter provides simultaneous interpretation in a small voice.